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发布时间:2024-12-20 13:04:06 浏览量:

Plastic Track: How to Translate it into English



Track is one of the essential facilities in sports venues, and plastic track is one of the types of track. It is widely used in China, but there are some difficulties in translating it into English. This article will explore how to translate plastic track into English.


Firstly, we need to understand the definition and characteristics of plastic track. Plastic track is a type of track made of plastic materials such as polyurethane and polyolefin, which has the characteristics of anti-slip, shock absorption, wear resistance, weather resistance, etc. In China, plastic track is mainly used in schools, sports venues, parks, and other places for athletics, fitness running, and other activities.

其次,我们需要了解塑胶跑道在国际上的翻译。在国际上,塑胶跑道通常被翻译为“synthetic track”,这是一种比较通用的翻译。此外,也有一些人将其翻译为“plastic athletic track”,“polyurethane track”等。

Secondly, we need to understand the translation of plastic track internationally. Internationally, plastic track is usually translated as "synthetic track", which is a more common translation. In addition, some people translate it as "plastic athletic track", "polyurethane track", etc.

然而,这些翻译并不完美。例如,“synthetic track”并没有明确指出塑胶材料的种类,而“plastic athletic track”则过于强调了跑道的运动属性。因此,我们需要寻找更加准确的翻译。

However, these translations are not perfect. For example, "synthetic track" does not specify the type of plastic material, and "plastic athletic track" overly emphasizes the athletic properties of the track. Therefore, we need to find more accurate translations.

根据塑胶跑道的特点,我们可以将其翻译为“plasticized track”,这个翻译比较准确地表达了塑胶跑道的材料特性。同时,这个翻译也比较简洁明了,易于理解和记忆。

According to the characteristics of plastic track, we can translate it as "plasticized track", which accurately expresses the material characteristics of plastic track. At the same time, this translation is also concise and easy to understand and remember.

除了“plasticized track”外,我们还可以将其翻译为“polymeric track”,这个翻译也比较准确地表达了塑胶跑道的材料特性,而且在国际上也比较常见。

In addition to "plasticized track", we can also translate it as "polymeric track", which also accurately expresses the material characteristics of plastic track and is also common internationally.


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